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在奥升德,可靠性与我们的正规博彩网站排名、运营和服务息息相关. The same can be said for our people. 值得信赖的员工会准时上班,完成工作并按时完成任务. However, 有些员工除了在需要的时候随时待命外,还具备这些品质, 你能指望他把工作做得很好,并把新项目和责任托付给他吗. All of these characteristics can be said about James Stinson, 彭萨科拉工厂综合设施管理(IFM)合同协调员.

自1995年加入孟山都以来,詹姆斯就一直在Ascend工作. While James has been with the company for more than 33 years, his positive attitude, reputation and work performance have spread across the company. “Every time I get the opportunity to engage with James, I am always impressed,” said Phil McDivitt, president and CEO of Ascend. “詹姆斯是一个真正的领导者和问题解决者,他脸上带着微笑. He leaves Ascend in a better place each day.”

Over time, 詹姆斯的知识和专业知识使他在迪凯特和福利担任过不同的角色, and have now led to his current position in Pensacola. 2008年,在一次重大安全事故后,詹姆斯被要求在福利工作. 他通过协调维护活动,帮助确保了安全成功的重启. 为了帮助他,詹姆斯从彭萨科拉开车到福利工厂,花了一年半的时间.

2011年迪凯特龙卷风爆发两周后,詹姆斯被要求帮助重新启动该网站. “After the devastation that took place in Decatur, 我的工作是帮助并确保安全成功地重新启动网站,” said James. “当你被要求去另一个机构承担重要责任时, you have to have the mindset that you can get the job done. In the maintenance role, 我知道我可以做些什么来帮助网站成功重启.”

Ascend Cares

2011年的龙卷风爆发促使该公司成立了奥升德关怀基金会,在需要帮助的时候为奥升德的员工和家属提供支持. 因此,毫不奇怪,詹姆斯的可靠天性转变成了奥升德关怀的志愿者. James is extremely active with Ascend Cares. For the last six years, 詹姆斯在彭萨克拉网站组织了Ascend Cares的联合之路关怀日,在那里他们与Escambia Westgate学校:the Lacey A合作. Collier Sensory Complex since 2013. Escambia Westgate学校帮助有特殊情况的孩子适应日常活动. “彭萨科拉有几名员工对埃斯坎比亚西门学校非常感兴趣,” said James. 其中一些项目包括维护、景观美化、绘画,甚至是教师休息室. With the school being 10 minutes from the Pensacola site, it’s a perfect opportunity for us to partner with them.每天,孩子们都会给詹姆斯制作一张感谢海报,挂在他办公室的门上,以此来提醒他在韦斯特盖特学校所做的工作.

詹姆斯还作为志愿者支持社区中最年长的成员. “最近,我们与老龄化委员会合作,”詹姆斯说. “有很多老人需要打扫院子,所以我们每周有几天会用割草机和除草机清理院子.”

For his work ethic and volunteer efforts, James knows that if there is a need, it’s the right thing to do. For example, the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts in Houston. “我正在组织团队帮助哈维飓风的受害者,我打电话给詹姆斯,” said Shawn Larson, maintenance, reliability and engineering director at Pensacola. “我告诉詹姆斯,我需要制定一个计划,组织志愿者.’ James started right away working with his volunteer group. He organized everything to get our employees to Houston. I wouldn’t expect anything less from him.”

Pensacola role

With his current position as IFM contract coordinator, James was again selected for his ambition to get the job done.

“During the current IFM transition, 让詹姆斯了解这里的劳动力至关重要,” said Shawn. “他能够制作图表,并就如何为我们的网站设置业务年度向特纳工业公司提供反馈. 如果没有James在精益工作中的组织技巧,我们会很挣扎.”

It is in James’ nature to take on new projects. “我喜欢能够改善公司的任务,并且觉得围绕IFM的责任符合我的优势,” said James. “在一天结束的时候,我想在工作中获得成就感. I like getting things done. I can’t finish a project until I know it’s been done right. 这就是我的动力,也是我作为一名员工不断成长的方式.”

A2E certified

James是维护组织中第一个获得A2E认证的人, Ascend's continuous improvement program. 詹姆斯的主要职责是确保IFM在彭萨科拉的成功过渡, 他也是维护组织的A2E推动者. 使用A2E, James为维护组织开发了一个二级问责板. 现在,该董事会在整个公司的几个领域被用作典范.

Looking forward

虽然詹姆斯已经完成了许多项目,并赢得了可靠的声誉, 他期待着下一个工作任务和奥升德关怀的志愿者机会.

“不管你的职位是什么,也不管你在生活中处于什么位置, 你会被拉向不同的方向和不同的事物,” said James. “这完全取决于你对待新角色的态度.”